Urinary incontinence and genital prolapse

Urinary incontinence is defined as any involuntary urination and is a medical, social and hygienic problem that significantly affects the quality of life. It is estimated that it affects 25% of the population although, on many occasions, medical attention is not requested for various reasons such as shame, thinking that it is a normal part of the ageing process, that it has no solution… However, there are now more and more treatments available to cure urinary incontinence, or at least improve the symptoms and quality of life.

We must differentiate between various types of urinary incontinence. It is essential to distinguish between urinary incontinence related to effort and urinary incontinence related to the urge to urinate that cannot be delayed and is usually associated with frequent daytime and night-time micturition. The latter is known as overactive bladder. Each entity will have a specific treatment, as the mechanism is related either to the urinary sphincter and pelvic floor or to the bladder function itself. Sometimes, patients also refer to a vaginal lump, which is a genital prolapse that may be associated with urinary incontinence due to weakness of the pelvic floor.

Among the common risk factors are childbirth, gynaecological surgeries, obesity… The first stages of treatment generally include measures such as weight control, fluid intake adequacy, physical exercises and pelvic floor exercises, individualised according to the patient.

Overactive Bladder

In case of an overactive bladder-urge incontinence, the second step is pharmacological treatment for cases where satisfactory control of symptoms is not achieved. Includes treatments such as the administration of botulinum toxin (BOTOX).

This treatment is applied routinely by the members of the unit in a minimally invasive manner, offering good results regarding symptom control and enabling the interruption of chronic pharmacological treatment.

Neurogenic Bladder

Neurogenic dysfunction of the lower urinary tract or neurogenic bladder is a voiding dysfunction that occurs in patients with pathologies affecting bladder innervation. It appears in patients with neurogenic pathologies such as multiple sclerosis, after strokes, myelomeningoceles, spinal cord injuries, surgeries affecting bladder innervation, etc.

Clinically it can manifest itself with urinary incontinence, micturition failure or urination urge. In addition, if it is not properly managed, it can lead to the existence of urinary tract infections, or even impairment of kidney function.

Stress Urinary Incontinence


In case of stress urinary incontinence and genital prolapse, surgery is considered to correct pelvic floor disorders.

In our unit we conduct a detailed study of the patient with incontinence and genital prolapse, and we offer diverse treatments and prevention strategies including rehabilitative measures for the pelvic floor along with minimally invasive surgery of the urinary incontinence and correction of pelvic organ prolapse, using the different treatment options with suburethral bands, adjustable slings or artificial urinary sphincter.

Pelvic Pain Syndrome

Pelvic pain is a pathology that requires an approach with specialists in the field, requiring individualised study and treatment. For this purpose, we offer the equipment for a detailed diagnosis and to suggest management including the different strategies available including pharmacological therapy, intravesical instillations and botulinum toxin.